



(歡迎校友提供資料更新,請將資料及聯絡方法電郵至徐洪翔老師 hchsu@mail.bthc.edu.hk







何婉瑩校友 ( 1976-77年度中七畢業生)於 2008-2018 年期間擔任本校校長





胡業輝先生(1984-85年度中七畢業生)於2010年度授勳名單中,獲行政長官社區服務獎狀    相片一       相片二


行政長官卓越教學獎網頁 http://qef.org.hk/ate/2007_08ate/tchinese/index.htm

頭條日報「運動有King有講」 http://www.hkheadline.com/dailynews/headlinenews_columnist.asp?kw=44


朱少璋博士 (1984-85年中七文科班) 現任香港浸會大學語文中心高級講師,榮獲2002-03年度香港浸會大學「教學人員傑出表現獎」


校友姓名 畢業年份及級別 校友資料
何漢威 1994-95 中七 綠領行動總幹事。
何治豪 1991-92 中六 中國光大控股有限公司企業融資業務主管兼董事總經理。
蕭德華 1987-88 中七 本校第一至第四屆校友會副主席,註冊西醫,並為本校「一校一醫生計劃」之醫生。
周綺雯 1987-88 中七 行健資產管理前執行董事。
趙志方 1986-87 中七 現任新世界發展有限公司企業事務高級經理。
陳錦豪 1986-87 中七 現任劉黃陳律師事務所律師。
楊錫豪 1984-85 中七 現任香港小童群益會服務總監。
陳少芝 1984-85 中五 現任亨德森全球投資基金亞太區銷售業務主管。
伍珮瑩 1984-85 中五 威普諮詢顧問前亞洲區總監。
王在球 1984-85 中五 現任香港電車營運經理。
蔡鎮鴻 1984-85 中五 現任友邦保險(國際)有限公司區域總監。
蕭美娟 1983-84 中六 現任國際培幼會總幹事。
蕭志新 1981-82 中七 現任嗇色園主辦可風中學校長。
呂漢光博士 1981-82 中七 現任嶺南大學協理副校長(學術)及市場及國際企業學系教授,並於本校成立一體育科獎學金《呂漢光博士獎學金》,希望藉此鼓勵學弟們在學業及參與運動兩方面作出均衡的發展。
周倩明 1981-82 中七 臨床腫瘤科專科醫生。
吳奎 1979-80 中七 現任香港港安醫院─荃灣急症科臨床主管,急症科顧問醫生前明愛醫院急症科顧問醫生及部門主管。
林德華教授 1979-80 中六 香港大學工程學院計算機科學系教授,前工程學院副院長。
黃劍文 1978-79 中七 香港會計師公會理事及港燈財務電力投資財務總監。
張嫺珠 1977-78 中七 本港大律師。曾任校友會主席及校友校董。
鄭淑娟博士 1977-78 中七 現任香港理工大學刊物「理程」顧問前香港理工大學研究事務處處長,並曾為本校第六屆校友會主席。
何婉兒 1977-78 中七 香港中文大學校園規劃及可持續發展處處長。
葉永玉博士 1977-78 中五 香港首位骨科女醫生、現任港大醫學院骨科學系副教授。她起初為了健身而舉重,首次參加公開賽便奪得銀牌,總成績與冠軍只差二點五公斤。她獨攬四個公斤級別全數十六個香港紀錄。
陳炳祥博士 1976-77 中七 現任香港城市大學學生發展處副處長(體育),並為第一至第三屆校友會主席。
周小君 1976-77 中五 著明幕後代唱人。擔任歌手演唱會和音,並唱出名堂,繼而執教鞭教唱歌,桃李滿門。周老師的「星級門生」有梁詠琪。
周啟生 1976-77 著名音樂人。由十八歲起為歌手編曲而成名,多年來打造過不少耳熟能詳的經典金曲,亦曾轉型唱作歌手,推出多張唱片,樂壇地位超然。周啟生擅長電子迷幻音樂。他較有名作品主要有:《天長地久》、《長得很》、《喜歡嗎》、《淺草妖姬》以及為他人創作的《風的季節》等。
龍劍雲 1974-75 中七 曾任善導會執行委員會董事及執行委員;退休高等法院司法常務官;獲特首頒發銅紫荊星章。現任暫委高等法院法官,獲特首委任為監管下釋囚委員會主席
葉永祥 1974-75 中五 土木工程拓展署新界東拓展處副處長。
陳鴻遠 1972-73 中七 現為徐伯鳴、陳鴻遠、劉永強律師行合夥人及顧問律師。
葉國棟醫生 1970-71 中五 深切治療科專科醫生
黃祖強 1970-71 中五 筆名黃易,是香港知名玄幻武俠小說家。黃易小說的主要特色為將武俠與玄幻結合,書中角色所追求的最高境界乃「藉武道窺天道」,勘破生死之祕。其作品又以廣泛融合建築、園林、地理、易理、藝術、軍事、歷史等知識著名。黃易的異俠小說以《覆雨翻雲》、《大唐雙龍傳》流傳甚廣,玄幻小說中,《尋秦記》乃其中的佼佼者。


Prizes from Tertiary Institutes


Year of Graduation in BTHC

Tertiary Institute


LEE Ching Wai

2023 School of Engineering, HKUST Dean's List
CHAU Chun Wa 2022 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)
(Human Resources Management Concentration)

Dean's List President's Honour Roll
(2023-2024 2nd Semester)
(2023-2024 1st Semester)

CHAN Chi Ho 2021 Higher Diploma Programme in Computer Game Development, CUSCS

Dean's List

CHAU Chun Wa 2022 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)
(Human Resources Management Concentration)

Dean's List
(2022-2023 2nd Semester)
(2022-2023 1st Semester)

CHAN Xujin 2018 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in
Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU

Dean's list
(2022-2023 2nd Semester)
(2021-2022 1st Semester)
(2020-2021 1st Semester)

(2020-2021 2nd Semester)
(2019-2020 1st Semester)

(2019-2020 2nd Semester)

YEE Tsz Him 2019 Bachelor of Communication (Hons.) in
Film (Film and Televistion Concentration)
Dean's list
(2022-2023 2nd Semester)

(2022-2023 1st Semester)
(2021-2022 2nd Semester)
LAW Tsz Kit 2018 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Technology, PolyU

First Class Honours

KWOK Yiu 2017-2018 Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in
Applied Biology (Biotechnology Concentration)

Dean's list
(2021-2022 1st Semester)
(2020-2021 2nd Semester)
(2019-2020 1st Semester)

(2019-2020 2nd Semester)

AU Chun Kei

2018-2019 School of Engineering, HKUST Dean's list
CHIU Chin Yat 2016-2017 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)
(Entrepreneurship Concentration)

Dean's list
(2020-2021 1st Semester)

(2020-2021 2nd Semester)

LIANG Yucong 2016-2017 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in
Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU

President's Honour Roll
(2020-2021 2nd Semester)
(2019-2020 1st Semester)
(2019-2020 1st Semester)

(2019-2020 2nd Semester)

YUEN Po Ying 2019-2020 Associate of Arts
(Business Administration), HKBU
Dean's list
(2020-2021 2nd Semester)
(2020-2021 1st Semester)
CHAN Man Yi 2019-2020 Associate of Arts
(Media Communication), HKBU
Dean's list
(2020-2021 2nd Semester)
(2020-2021 1st Semester)
WONG Ka Fai 2018-2019 Associate of Arts
(Financial Management), HKBU
Dean's list
(2020-2021 2nd Semester)

(2020-2021 1st Semester)
2018-2019 Associate of Science
(Geography and Resources Management), HKBU

President's Honour Roll
(2020-2021 2nd Semester)
(2020-2021 1st Semester)

(2019-2020 1st Semester)
Dean's list

(2019-2020 2nd Semester)

LAM Yim Ki 2015-2016 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Marketing Concentration), HKBU First Class Honours
Dean's list
(2019-2020 1st Semester)
SIO Yuk Pui 2015-2016 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in
Creative and Professional Writing, HKBU
Dean's list
(2019-2020 1st Semester)

President's Honour Roll
(2019-2020 2nd Semester)
WONG Wai Wa 2015-2016 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in
Religionm Philosophy and Ethics, HKBU
President's Honour Roll
(2019-2020 1st Semester)
(2019-2020 2nd Semester)
 CHENG KA KIT 2016-2017 Higher Diploma Prog. in Applied Korean Lang.
Outstanding Academic Achievement
TSE MEI YI 2016-2017 Associate of Arts
(Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU
SPSS Outstanding Performance Scholarship
President's Honour Roll
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 1st Semester)
President's Honour Roll
(2017-2018 2nd Semester)
ZENG SUGE SUGAR 2015-2016 BBA, HKCU Student Marketing Consultancy Projects Award
CHUNG KIN HO 2015-2016 BBA, HKCU Student Marketing Consultancy Projects Award
FUNG SI HO 2017-2018 Associate of Arts
(Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU
Dean's list
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
President's Honour Roll
(2018-2019 1st Semester)
HUANG YONG QI 2016-2017 Associate of Arts
(Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU
Dean's list
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 1st Semester)
(2017-2018 2nd Semester)
(2017-2018 1st Semester
KWOK TSZ CHING 2017-2018 Associate of Science
(Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU
Dean's list
(2019-2020 1st Semester)
(2019-2020 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 1st Semester)
LI FUNG CHU 2017-2018 Associate of Arts
(Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU
President's Honour Roll
(2019-2020 1st Semester)
(2019-2020 2nd Semester)

Dean's list
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 1st Semester)
TAM KIT MAN 2017-2018 Associate of Arts
(Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU
President's Honour Roll
(2019-2020 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 1st Semester)

Dean's list
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
WONG TSZ SHUEN 2017-2018 Associate of Science
(Psychology), HKBU
Dean's list
(2019-2020 2nd Semester)
(2018-2019 2nd Semester)
LAU WING YU 2017-2018 Bachelor of Business Administration(Honours),
The Hang Seng University of HK
Dean's Award
VONG SZE WING 2015-2016 Bachelor of Business Administration(Honours),
The Hang Seng University of HK
Entrance Scholarship (Scheme 4)
CHAN NGA YI 2013-2014 社會科學院輔導及心理學系,
President's Honour Roll
(President List 2017-18)
LAM YIM KI 2015-2016 Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Marketing Concentration), HKBU President's Honour Roll
(2017-2018 1st Semester,
2nd Semester)
SIO YUK PUI 2015-2016 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Creative and Professional Writing, HKBU Dean's List
(2017-2018 2nd Semester)
KWOK SZE WING 2014-2015 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons.) in Communication - Journalism Major (International Journalism Concentraction), HKBU Dean's List(2017-2018 1st Semester)
President's Honour Roll
(2016-2017 1st Semester,
2nd Semester)
WONG WAI WA 2015-2016 Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, HKBU President's Honeour Roll
(2017-2018 1st Semester)
Dean's List
(2017-2018 2nd Semester)
Dean's List
(2016-2017 2nd Semester)
MAK MEI YING 2015-2016 High Diploma Programme in Chinese, CUSCS Outstanding Academic Achievement(2018)
 CHAN LOK KEUNG 2016-2017 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication, HKU SPACE Community College Academic Excellence Award
 KAN WING YU 2016-2017 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities, HKU SPACE Community College HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship
 LAM HUI KI 2016-2017 Associate of Engineering, HKU SPACE Community College HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship
 LI WUN SHAN 2016-2017 Associate of Business Administration, HKU SPACE Community College HKU SPACE Community College Academic Award for New Students
 WONG HIU TUNG 2016-2017 Higher Diploma in Visual Communication, HKU SPACE Community College Michaelsolve Scholarship
 CHAN YI LAM SMILEY 2016-2017 Associate of Arts (Applied Social Service), HKBU Dean's List
(2017-2018 1st Semester, 2nd Semester)
 FOK KA CHUN ANDY 2016-2017 Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU Dean's List
(2017-2018 2nd Semester)
 LAM PIK YUK 2016-2017 Associate of Science (Tree Management), HKBU Dean's List
(2017-2018 1st Semester,
2nd Semester)
 LUI SHING CHUN 2016-2017 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management, Hang Seng Management College Dean's List (2017-2018)
 LAI YAU KWAN 2016-2017 Higher Diploma Programme in English Studies, CUSCS Outstanding Academic Achievement
 WONG LO CHING 2016-2017 Associate of Science (Geography and Resources Management), HKBU Dean's List
(2016-2017 2nd Semester)
 WONG WING MAN VALERIE 2016-2017 Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU Dean's List
(2016-2017 2nd Semester)
 LI WUN SHAN 2016-2017 HKU SPACE Community College HKU SPACE Community College Academic Award for New Students
CHAN LOK KEUNG 2015-2016 HKU SPACE Community College Academic Excellence Award
KAN WING YU 2015-2016 HKU SPACE Community College HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship
LAM HUI KI 2015-2016 HKU SPACE Community College HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship
WONG HIU TUNG 2014-2015 HKU SPACE Community College Michaelsolve Scholarship
LEI MING PUI 2014-2015 Engineering Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education Outstanding Industrial Attachment Award
CHAN YI NEI 2011-2012 Engineering Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education Outstanding Industrial Attachment Award
WONG LO CHING 2014-2015 Associate of Science (Geography and Resources Management), HKBU Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme- Outstanding Performance Scholarship
President's Honour Roll
(2016-2017 1st Semester,
2015-2016 2nd Semester)
Reaching Out Award(2015-2016)
LAM CHUN KIT 2014-2015 Associate Degree Programme at the College of International Education, HKBU Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme- Talent Development Scholarship
CHAN YI LAM SMILEY 2015-2016 Associate of Arts (Applied Social Service), HKBU Dean's List (2016-2017 1st Semester)
WONG WING MAN 2014-2015 Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU Dean's List (2016-2017 1st Semester, 2015-2016 2nd Semester)
CHEUNG WING HO 2014-2015 Associate of Arts (Maketing), HKBU Dean's List (2016-2017 1st Semester)
YU KAM FAAT 2014-2015 Associate of Arts (Visual Arts), HKBU President's Honour Roll (2016-2017 1st Semester)
Dean's List (2015-2016 2nd Semester)
Shao Jiajie 2015-2016 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Tsang Wing Hong Scholarship in Chinese Language and Literature(2016-2017)
Fong Mung Yi 2012-2013 Higher Diploma Programme in Applied Japanese Language, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK Outstanding Academic Achievement(2016-2017)

Outstanding Academic Achievement(2015-2016)

YUEN KA WAI 2013-2014 Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU Dean's List (2015-2016 2nd Semester)
LEE HO CHUN 2013-2014 Associate of Arts (Visual Arts), HKBU Dean's List (2015-2016 2nd Semester)
FONG YI LEONG 2013-2014 機械工程學高級文憑課程,IVE(柴灣) 香港特別行政區政府獎學金(2015-2016)
Cheung Hon Ting 2013-2014 School of Business and Management, HKUST Virtue Scholarship(2015-2016)
Chan Wa San 2013-2014 Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Morrison Hill) Reaching Out Award(2015-2016)
Lau Yun Ho 2013-2014 Hong Kong Baptist University Prof. Herbert H. Tsang Scholarship (1st Semester 2015-2016)

President's Honour Roll, Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes)(1st and 2nd Semester 2014-2015)

SPSS Outstanding Performance Scholarship

Wong Shuk Man 2012-2013 Hong Kong Baptist University President's Honour Roll, Associate of Arts (Tourism and Hospitality Management)(2nd Semester 2014-2015)

Dean's List, Associate of Arts (Tourism and Hospitality Management)(1st Semester 2014-2015)

Mak Hoi Yee 2012-2013 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean List, Associate of Science (Psychology)(1st and 2nd Semester 2014-2015)
Yuen Ka Wai 2013-2014 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List, Associate of Arts (Creative Communication)(1st Semester 2014-2015)

SPSS Reaching Out Award

Yu Ho Yung 2012-2013 The Hong Kong University of Science Technology Dean of Engineering Scholarship(2014)Photo of Ceremony
CHAU Yuet Ming 2011-2012 Associate Degree Programme at College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University President's Honour Roll (Semester 2, 2013-2014)
WONG Shuk Man 2012-2013 Associate Degree Programme at College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List (Semester 2, 2013-2014)
Wong Yan Yee 2011-2012 School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of HongKong Outstanding Academic Achievement
Lau Kai Ho 2012-2013 The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Dean of Engineering Scholarship(2013)Photo of Ceremony
葉曉汶 2012-2013 暨南大學 暨南大學旭日獎學金(2013)
Kan Man San 2009-2010 Hong Kong Baptist University First Class Honours

Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2012-2013)

President's Honour Roll (Semester 1, 2011-2012)

Dean's List(Semester 2, 2011-2012)

Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2010-2011)

Au-Yeung Kwok Pun 2009-2010 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List(Semester 1, 2012-2013)

Dean's List(Semester 2, 2011-2012)

Dean's List(Semester 2, 2010-2011)

Ho Siu chung 2007-2008 The Hong Kong Institute of Education Hong Kong Language Campaign Scholarship for English(2012-13)

Li & Fung Scholarship(2010-11)

Fok Po Chi 2008-2009 Lingnan Institute of Further Education Honour Roll  (Term 1, 2012-2013)
Chan Hoi Lam 2008-2009 The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Dean's List Award of the School of Engineering (2011-2012)
何妍樺 2011-2012 香港大學附屬學院 香港大學附屬學院獎學金
Yu Hang Chun 2008-2009 The University of Hong Kong HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships
Ng Chung Chuen 2009-2010 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List( Semester 1, 2011-2012)
Lam Wing Pui 2007-2008 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List( Semester 1, 2011-2012)

Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2009-2010)

Dean's list(Semester 2, 2008-2009)


Chan Nga Man 2009-2010 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List(Semester 2, 2011-2012)

Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2010-2011)

Lai Chui Shuen 2007-2008 The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Dean's list of the School of Engineering (2010-2011)
Wu Hei Yin 2010-2011 Hong Kong Baptist University College of International Education Dean's List(1st Semester 2011-2012)
Yeung Sze man 2009-2010 Hong Kong Baptist University College of International Education Dean's List(1st Semester 2011-2012)
Dean's List(1st Semester 2010-2011)
Pun Ching Yiu 2007-2008 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List( Semester 1 and 2, 2010-2011)
Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2009-2010)
Dean's List(Semester 2, 2008-2009)
Lee Wai Yu 2007-2008 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List( Semester 1, 2010-2011)
Dean's List(Semester 2, 2009-2010)
Dean's List(Semester 2, 2008-2009)
Choi Sin Man 2006-2007 Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's List( Semester 1, 2010-2011)
Dean's List(Semester 1, 2008-2009)Dean's List(Semester 1, 2007-2008)

Ho Siu chung 2007-2008 The Hong Kong Institute of Education Li & Fung Scholarship(2010-11)
Li Kwok Shing 2009-2010 Hong Kong Baptist University College of International Education Outstanding Education Stream(1st Semester 2010-2011)
Leung Ka Ming 2008-2009 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong X'tals Scholarship(2010)
Lam Tsz Kit 2006-2007 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dean's List(2010)
Wong Chun Ling 2006-2007 Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's list(Semester 2, 2009-2010)
 Wong Hei Lam Helen
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Part Time Stream)
Department of English Performance Scholarship for BA (Hons) in English for Business and Professional Communication (Semester 1, 2009/2010)
Luk Ka Ki

Hong Kong Baptist University
College of International Education

Dean's List ( First Semester, 2009-2010)

Dean's List (Second Semester, 2008-2009)

Outstanding Academic Results (Summer Semester, 2007-2008)

Outstanding Academic Results (1st Semester, 2007-2008)

Lau Yun Kwan
Hong Kong Baptist University
College of International Education
Dean's List ( First Semester, 2009-2010)
Luk Wing Yan
Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 1, 2008-2009)

Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2007-2008)

Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2006-2007)

Fung Chui Ting
Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2008-2009)

Dean's list(Semester 2, 2007-2008)

Dean's List(Semester 2, 2006-2007)

Cheung Wai Wai
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's List (Semester 1, 2008-2009)
Chan Kin Pong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme
Ng Ka Lok
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Dean's List Award
School of Engineering
(2005 Fall, 2006 Spring)

Chow Ki Kam
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Dean's List Award
School of Engineering
(2006 Spring, 2007 Spring)
Wong Yin
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 2, 2007-2008)

Fung HonFai


The University of Hong Kong

Chan Hon Yin Scholarship

China Oxford Scholarship - The Hoare Family Award

First Class Honours

Friends of HKU Scholoarships

Dean's Honours List (2005-2006)

Tse Wing Wa
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Leadtops Scholarship
Kwok Siu Tak
Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 2, 2006-2007)

Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006)

Mok Lai Ping
HKU SPACE Community College
HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship
Cheung Kai Hei
CUHK-TWGHs Community College


Leung Shun Hang
Hong Kong Baptist University
College of International Education

Dean's List(2nd Semester 2006-2007)

President's Honour Roll (1st Semester 2006-2007)

Tse Kai San


The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Dean's list of the School of Science (2005-2006)


Dean's list of the School of Science (2004-2005)

Photo of Ceremony


Dean's list of the School of Science (2003-2004)
Photos of Ceremony

Li Yuen Ching


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Dean's list of the School of Science (2005-2006)

Hung Kai Ying
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006)

Chow Wing Cheong


Hong Kong Baptist University

First Class Honours
President's Honour Roll(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006)

Dean's list(Semester 1 2004-2005)
President's List(Semester 2 2004-2005)

Dean's list(2003-2004)

Ching Lai Yan


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006)

Dean's list(Semester 1, 2003-2004)



Chan Chi Man


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Serena Yang Overseas Training Scholarship (2005-2006)

Li Oi Yee


The University of Hong Kong

First Class Honours
Dean's Honours List BSc (2004-2005)
Dean's Honours List BSc (2003-2004)
Dean's Honours List BSc (2002-2003)

Lin Lai Yee


The University of Hong Kong

Second Class Honours (Division One)
Helen A Lo Prize in Principles of Family Law (2004-2005)

Dean's Honours List LLB (2003-2004)

Yiu Man Fong


The University of Hong Kong

First Class Honours
Dean's Honours List BSc (2004-2005)

Dean's Honours List BSc (2003-2004)

Ng Tak Wai


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 1 2004-2005)
Dean's list(2003-2004)


Li Na


Hong Kong Baptist University

First Class Honours
Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2 2004-2005)

President's Honour Roll(2002-2003)

Dean's list, Faculty of Arts(2000-2001)

Lam Kwan Ngok


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 2 2004-2005)

Ng Hong Kin


The Community College at Lingnan University

Honours Roll of the College
(1st Term 2004-2005)

Leung Wai Lun


The University of Hong Kong

First Class Honours(2003-2004)
Dean's Honours List (Faculty of Engineering)(2003-2004)
Electrical Core & Motor Manufacturing Ltd. Scholarship
HK Electric Co. Ltd. Prizes in Electrical Energy
Mr. Poon Shiu Yung Scholarship in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Junefair Engineering Co. Ltd. Scholarship
The Jardine Engineering Crop., Ltd. Scholarship

Dean's Honours List (Faculty of Engineering)(2000-2001)
Mr. Poon Shiu Yung Scholarship in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The Hong Kong Electric Co. Ltd.
Electrical Energy Scholarships

Cheuk Sau Han


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(Semester 2,2003-2004)

 Szeto Chun Kit


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(2003-2004)


Dean's list Faculty of Science(2001-2002)


 Ho Pui Man


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's list(2003-2004)


Dean's list(2002-2003)


School of Business(2001-2002)

Shiu Sze Ngan


Hong Kong Baptist University
of International Education

Dean's List(2nd Semester 2003-2004)

Lam Yan Ning


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Wing Hang Bank Scholarship 2003-2004)

Kwok Hon Ho


The University of Hong Kong

Dean's Honours List BEcon&Fin (2002-2003)

Dean's Honours List BEcon&Fin (2002-2003)
Kai Chong Tong Scholarship

 Mok Chi Mui


The University of Hong Kong

Dean's Honours List BEng(BES)(2002-2003)

Dean's Honours List
Faculty of Engineering(2001-2002)

  Hsu Yuk Kwan


The University of Hong Kong

Ellis Bell Prize in Eng. Lit. & Comp. Lit. (2002-2003)


Dean's Honours List
Faculty of Arts(2000-2001)


Faculty of Arts(1999-2000)

Tang Sau Yu


The University of Hong Kong

Class of 75' LLB Scholarship(2002-2003)

 Chan Yeuk Chi, Joyce


The Chinese University of Hong Kong


(First Class Honours) 

Dean's List of Faculty of Engineering(2002-2003)


Faculty of Engineering(2000-2001)


Faculty of Engineering(1999-2000)
Photo of Ceremony

Lam Shuk Ching


The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Dean's list of the School of Science (2002-2003)


School of Science(2001-2002)


Lee Tung Shing


Hong Kong Baptist University

Dean's List (2002-2003)


School of Business(2001-2002)

Chow Chi Sang


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ryoden Scholarship 2002/2003

Lam Ching Man


Hong Kong Baptist University

Faculty of Social Science(2001-2002)

Li Shing Cheung


Hong Kong Baptist University

School of Business(2001-2002)


School of Business(1999-2000)

Yip Pui Ling Pauline


Hong Kong Baptist University

School of Business(2001-2002)

Leung Mei Ying


Hong Kong Baptist University

Faculty of Arts(2001-2002)

Li Mo Kit Monica


Hong Kong Baptist University

School of Business(2001-2002)


School of Business(1999-2000)

Chan Ying Mei



Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship

Mak Pui Shan Ida


The University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Science(1999-2000)
Dick Arthur Memorial Prize
Douglas Payne Prizes in Chemistry

Szeto Ka Yee


The University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Science(1999-2000)
Douglas Payne Prizes in Chemistry

Li Wai Tong


The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

School of Science(1998-1999)

Mak Pui Shan Ida


The University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Science(1997-1998)

Ng Mei Fung


The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

School of Business and Management (1997-1998)

Tang Chin To


The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

School of Engineering (1996-1997)