(歡迎校友提供資料更新,請將資料及聯絡方法電郵至徐洪翔老師 hchsu@mail.bthc.edu.hk)
蕭美娟校友(1983-84年度完成中六後考入香港中文大學,現為國際培幼會總幹事)於2017年獲選亞洲周刊第二屆全球傑出青年領袖,2024年獲全球創新企業學會頒發「全球傑出華人领袖獎」 |
龍劍雲先生(1974-75年度中七畢業生)曾任善導會執行委員會董事及執行委員;退休高等法院司法常務官;獲特首頒發銅紫荊星章。現任暫委高等法院法官,獲特首委任為監管下釋囚委員會主席 |
何順文教授(1973-74年度中五畢業生,現任香港恒生大學校長)獲美國亞斯平學院頒發2008年度「學者先鋒獎」 |
蕭世和先生(1980-81年度完成中六後考入香港中文大學),於2009年獲頒授銅紫荊星章,2013-2021年擔任《星島日報》行政總裁,2021年10月加入電視廣播有限公司,獲委任為無線電視總經理(商務營運) |
曾國衞先生(1979-80年度中五畢業生)於2015年獲頒香港入境事務卓越獎章,並於2016年4月獲國務院任命執掌入境事務處,榮升為入境事務處處長,2020年4月,再獲國務院任命為政制及內地事務局局長 |
何婉瑩校友 ( 1976-77年度中七畢業生)於 2008-2018 年期間擔任本校校長 |
潘佩芬小姐(1977-78年度中七畢業生)於2016年獲頒優越商界女領袖大獎(香港商報主辦)。潘小姐為佩芬國際美容學院校長、香港國際專業健美美容師協會會長及香港化妝品同業協會監事長 |
周冠威先生(1995-96年度中五畢業生)為電影導演,執導<<自焚者>>,該片為第35屆香港電影金像獎最佳電影<<十年>>其中一個單元影片 |
郭亮明先生(1972-73年度中七畢業生)為前懲教署署長,並於2011年獲頒授銀紫荊星章 |
董志發先生(1974-75年度中七畢業生)前鄰舍輔導會總幹事,現為鄰舍輔導會執委會委員、東九龍居民委員會名譽會長及香港南華會永遠會董,著書七本,不扣成本,收益全捐作慈善用,著作並收納在香港公共圖書館以作公開借閲 |
鄭景亮先生(1984-85年度中七畢業生,現於香港培正中學任教)獲頒發2007-2008行政長官卓越教學獎,詳情請瀏覽以下網頁 行政長官卓越教學獎網頁 http://qef.org.hk/ate/2007_08ate/tchinese/index.htm 頭條日報「運動有King有講」 http://www.hkheadline.com/dailynews/headlinenews_columnist.asp?kw=44 |
盧永雄先生(1980-81年度完成中六後考入香港中文大學,現為星島新聞集團有限公司執行董事兼<<巴士的報>>創辦人)於2004年獲頒授銅紫荊星章 |
朱少璋博士 (1984-85年中七文科班) 現任香港浸會大學語文中心高級講師,榮獲2002-03年度香港浸會大學「教學人員傑出表現獎」 |
范金瓏先生(2005-06年度中五畢業)榮獲由漁農自然護理署主辦、星島日報協辦2009年度《保護瀕危物種四格漫畫創作比賽》公開組冠軍 |
校友姓名 | 畢業年份及級別 | 校友資料 |
何漢威 | 1994-95 中七 | 綠領行動總幹事。 |
何治豪 | 1991-92 中六 | 中國光大控股有限公司企業融資業務主管兼董事總經理。 |
蕭德華 | 1987-88 中七 | 本校第一至第四屆校友會副主席,註冊西醫,並為本校「一校一醫生計劃」之醫生。 |
周綺雯 | 1987-88 中七 | 行健資產管理前執行董事。 |
趙志方 | 1986-87 中七 | 現任新世界發展有限公司企業事務高級經理。 |
陳錦豪 | 1986-87 中七 | 現任劉黃陳律師事務所律師。 |
楊錫豪 | 1984-85 中七 | 現任香港小童群益會服務總監。 |
陳少芝 | 1984-85 中五 | 現任亨德森全球投資基金亞太區銷售業務主管。 |
伍珮瑩 | 1984-85 中五 | 威普諮詢顧問前亞洲區總監。 |
王在球 | 1984-85 中五 | 現任香港電車營運經理。 |
蔡鎮鴻 | 1984-85 中五 | 現任友邦保險(國際)有限公司區域總監。 |
蕭美娟 | 1983-84 中六 | 現任國際培幼會總幹事。 |
蕭志新 | 1981-82 中七 | 現任嗇色園主辦可風中學校長。 |
呂漢光博士 | 1981-82 中七 | 現任嶺南大學協理副校長(學術)及市場及國際企業學系教授,並於本校成立一體育科獎學金《呂漢光博士獎學金》,希望藉此鼓勵學弟們在學業及參與運動兩方面作出均衡的發展。 |
周倩明 | 1981-82 中七 | 臨床腫瘤科專科醫生。 |
吳奎 | 1979-80 中七 | 現任香港港安醫院─荃灣急症科臨床主管,急症科顧問醫生,前明愛醫院急症科顧問醫生及部門主管。 |
林德華教授 | 1979-80 中六 | 香港大學工程學院計算機科學系教授,前工程學院副院長。 |
黃劍文 | 1978-79 中七 | 香港會計師公會理事及港燈財務電力投資財務總監。 |
張嫺珠 | 1977-78 中七 | 本港大律師。曾任校友會主席及校友校董。 |
鄭淑娟博士 | 1977-78 中七 | 現任香港理工大學刊物「理程」顧問,前香港理工大學研究事務處處長,並曾為本校第六屆校友會主席。 |
何婉兒 | 1977-78 中七 | 香港中文大學校園規劃及可持續發展處處長。 |
葉永玉博士 | 1977-78 中五 | 香港首位骨科女醫生、現任港大醫學院骨科學系副教授。她起初為了健身而舉重,首次參加公開賽便奪得銀牌,總成績與冠軍只差二點五公斤。她獨攬四個公斤級別全數十六個香港紀錄。 |
陳炳祥博士 | 1976-77 中七 | 現任香港城市大學學生發展處副處長(體育),並為第一至第三屆校友會主席。 |
周小君 | 1976-77 中五 | 著明幕後代唱人。擔任歌手演唱會和音,並唱出名堂,繼而執教鞭教唱歌,桃李滿門。周老師的「星級門生」有梁詠琪。 |
周啟生 | 1976-77 | 著名音樂人。由十八歲起為歌手編曲而成名,多年來打造過不少耳熟能詳的經典金曲,亦曾轉型唱作歌手,推出多張唱片,樂壇地位超然。周啟生擅長電子迷幻音樂。他較有名作品主要有:《天長地久》、《長得很》、《喜歡嗎》、《淺草妖姬》以及為他人創作的《風的季節》等。 |
龍劍雲 | 1974-75 中七 | 曾任善導會執行委員會董事及執行委員;退休高等法院司法常務官;獲特首頒發銅紫荊星章。現任暫委高等法院法官,獲特首委任為監管下釋囚委員會主席 |
葉永祥 | 1974-75 中五 | 土木工程拓展署新界東拓展處副處長。 |
陳鴻遠 | 1972-73 中七 | 現為徐伯鳴、陳鴻遠、劉永強律師行合夥人及顧問律師。 |
葉國棟醫生 | 1970-71 中五 | 深切治療科專科醫生 |
黃祖強 | 1970-71 中五 | 筆名黃易,是香港知名玄幻武俠小說家。黃易小說的主要特色為將武俠與玄幻結合,書中角色所追求的最高境界乃「藉武道窺天道」,勘破生死之祕。其作品又以廣泛融合建築、園林、地理、易理、藝術、軍事、歷史等知識著名。黃易的異俠小說以《覆雨翻雲》、《大唐雙龍傳》流傳甚廣,玄幻小說中,《尋秦記》乃其中的佼佼者。 |
Prizes from Tertiary Institutes
Name |
Year of Graduation in BTHC |
Tertiary Institute |
Prize |
2023 | School of Engineering, HKUST | Dean's List (2023-2024) |
CHAU Chun Wa | 2022 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Human Resources Management Concentration) |
Dean's List President's Honour Roll |
CHAN Chi Ho | 2021 | Higher Diploma Programme in Computer Game Development, CUSCS |
Dean's List |
CHAU Chun Wa | 2022 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Human Resources Management Concentration) |
Dean's List |
CHAN Xujin | 2018 | Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU |
Dean's list |
YEE Tsz Him | 2019 | Bachelor of Communication (Hons.) in Film (Film and Televistion Concentration) HKBU |
Dean's list (2022-2023 2nd Semester) (2022-2023 1st Semester) (2021-2022 2nd Semester) |
LAW Tsz Kit | 2018 | Bachelor of Science in Chemical Technology, PolyU |
First Class Honours |
![]() |
2017-2018 | Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Applied Biology (Biotechnology Concentration) HKBU |
Dean's list |
AU Chun Kei |
2018-2019 | School of Engineering, HKUST | Dean's list (2020-2021) |
CHIU Chin Yat | 2016-2017 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Entrepreneurship Concentration) |
Dean's list |
LIANG Yucong | 2016-2017 | Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU |
President's Honour Roll |
YUEN Po Ying | 2019-2020 | Associate of Arts (Business Administration), HKBU |
Dean's list (2020-2021 2nd Semester) (2020-2021 1st Semester) |
CHAN Man Yi | 2019-2020 | Associate of Arts (Media Communication), HKBU |
Dean's list (2020-2021 2nd Semester) (2020-2021 1st Semester) |
WONG Ka Fai | 2018-2019 | Associate of Arts (Financial Management), HKBU |
Dean's list (2020-2021 2nd Semester) (2020-2021 1st Semester) |
2018-2019 | Associate of Science (Geography and Resources Management), HKBU |
President's Honour Roll |
LAM Yim Ki | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Marketing Concentration), HKBU | First Class Honours Dean's list (2019-2020 1st Semester) |
SIO Yuk Pui | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Creative and Professional Writing, HKBU |
Dean's list (2019-2020 1st Semester) President's Honour Roll (2019-2020 2nd Semester) |
WONG Wai Wa | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Religionm Philosophy and Ethics, HKBU |
President's Honour Roll (2019-2020 1st Semester) (2019-2020 2nd Semester) |
CHENG KA KIT | 2016-2017 | Higher Diploma Prog. in Applied Korean Lang. CUSCS |
Outstanding Academic Achievement (2019-2020) |
TSE MEI YI | 2016-2017 | Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU |
SPSS Outstanding Performance Scholarship (2018-2019) President's Honour Roll (2018-2019 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 1st Semester) President's Honour Roll (2017-2018 2nd Semester) |
ZENG SUGE SUGAR | 2015-2016 | BBA, HKCU | Student Marketing Consultancy Projects Award (2019-2020) |
CHUNG KIN HO | 2015-2016 | BBA, HKCU | Student Marketing Consultancy Projects Award (2019-2020) |
FUNG SI HO | 2017-2018 | Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU |
Dean's list (2018-2019 2nd Semester) President's Honour Roll (2018-2019 1st Semester) |
HUANG YONG QI | 2016-2017 | Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU |
Dean's list (2018-2019 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 1st Semester) (2017-2018 2nd Semester) (2017-2018 1st Semester) |
KWOK TSZ CHING | 2017-2018 | Associate of Science (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU |
Dean's list (2019-2020 1st Semester) (2019-2020 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 1st Semester) |
LI FUNG CHU | 2017-2018 | Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU |
President's Honour Roll (2019-2020 1st Semester) (2019-2020 2nd Semester) Dean's list (2018-2019 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 1st Semester) |
TAM KIT MAN | 2017-2018 | Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU |
President's Honour Roll (2019-2020 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 1st Semester) Dean's list (2018-2019 2nd Semester) |
WONG TSZ SHUEN | 2017-2018 | Associate of Science (Psychology), HKBU |
Dean's list (2019-2020 2nd Semester) (2018-2019 2nd Semester) |
LAU WING YU | 2017-2018 | Bachelor of Business Administration(Honours), The Hang Seng University of HK |
Dean's Award (2018-2019) |
VONG SZE WING | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Business Administration(Honours), The Hang Seng University of HK |
Entrance Scholarship (Scheme 4) (2018-2019) |
CHAN NGA YI | 2013-2014 | 社會科學院輔導及心理學系, 香港樹仁大學 |
President's Honour Roll (President List 2017-18) |
LAM YIM KI | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Marketing Concentration), HKBU | President's Honour Roll (2017-2018 1st Semester, 2nd Semester) |
SIO YUK PUI | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Creative and Professional Writing, HKBU | Dean's List (2017-2018 2nd Semester) |
KWOK SZE WING | 2014-2015 | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons.) in Communication - Journalism Major (International Journalism Concentraction), HKBU | Dean's List(2017-2018 1st Semester) President's Honour Roll (2016-2017 1st Semester, 2nd Semester) |
WONG WAI WA | 2015-2016 | Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, HKBU | President's Honeour Roll (2017-2018 1st Semester) Dean's List (2017-2018 2nd Semester) Dean's List (2016-2017 2nd Semester) |
MAK MEI YING | 2015-2016 | High Diploma Programme in Chinese, CUSCS | Outstanding Academic Achievement(2018) |
CHAN LOK KEUNG | 2016-2017 | Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication, HKU SPACE Community College | Academic Excellence Award |
KAN WING YU | 2016-2017 | Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities, HKU SPACE Community College | HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship |
LAM HUI KI | 2016-2017 | Associate of Engineering, HKU SPACE Community College | HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship |
LI WUN SHAN | 2016-2017 | Associate of Business Administration, HKU SPACE Community College | HKU SPACE Community College Academic Award for New Students |
WONG HIU TUNG | 2016-2017 | Higher Diploma in Visual Communication, HKU SPACE Community College | Michaelsolve Scholarship |
CHAN YI LAM SMILEY | 2016-2017 | Associate of Arts (Applied Social Service), HKBU | Dean's List (2017-2018 1st Semester, 2nd Semester) |
FOK KA CHUN ANDY | 2016-2017 | Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes), HKBU | Dean's List (2017-2018 2nd Semester) |
LAM PIK YUK | 2016-2017 | Associate of Science (Tree Management), HKBU | Dean's List (2017-2018 1st Semester, 2nd Semester) |
LUI SHING CHUN | 2016-2017 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management, Hang Seng Management College | Dean's List (2017-2018) |
LAI YAU KWAN | 2016-2017 | Higher Diploma Programme in English Studies, CUSCS | Outstanding Academic Achievement |
WONG LO CHING | 2016-2017 | Associate of Science (Geography and Resources Management), HKBU | Dean's List (2016-2017 2nd Semester) |
WONG WING MAN VALERIE | 2016-2017 | Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU | Dean's List (2016-2017 2nd Semester) |
LI WUN SHAN | 2016-2017 | HKU SPACE Community College | HKU SPACE Community College Academic Award for New Students |
CHAN LOK KEUNG | 2015-2016 | HKU SPACE Community College | Academic Excellence Award |
KAN WING YU | 2015-2016 | HKU SPACE Community College | HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship |
LAM HUI KI | 2015-2016 | HKU SPACE Community College | HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship |
WONG HIU TUNG | 2014-2015 | HKU SPACE Community College | Michaelsolve Scholarship |
LEI MING PUI | 2014-2015 | Engineering Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education | Outstanding Industrial Attachment Award (2016-2017) |
CHAN YI NEI | 2011-2012 | Engineering Discipline, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education | Outstanding Industrial Attachment Award (2016-2017) |
WONG LO CHING | 2014-2015 | Associate of Science (Geography and Resources Management), HKBU | Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme- Outstanding Performance Scholarship (2016-2017) President's Honour Roll (2016-2017 1st Semester, 2015-2016 2nd Semester) Reaching Out Award(2015-2016) |
LAM CHUN KIT | 2014-2015 | Associate Degree Programme at the College of International Education, HKBU | Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme- Talent Development Scholarship (2016-2017) |
CHAN YI LAM SMILEY | 2015-2016 | Associate of Arts (Applied Social Service), HKBU | Dean's List (2016-2017 1st Semester) |
WONG WING MAN | 2014-2015 | Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU | Dean's List (2016-2017 1st Semester, 2015-2016 2nd Semester) |
CHEUNG WING HO | 2014-2015 | Associate of Arts (Maketing), HKBU | Dean's List (2016-2017 1st Semester) |
YU KAM FAAT | 2014-2015 | Associate of Arts (Visual Arts), HKBU | President's Honour Roll (2016-2017 1st Semester) Dean's List (2015-2016 2nd Semester) |
Shao Jiajie | 2015-2016 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Tsang Wing Hong Scholarship in Chinese Language and Literature(2016-2017) |
Fong Mung Yi | 2012-2013 | Higher Diploma Programme in Applied Japanese Language, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK | Outstanding Academic Achievement(2016-2017)
Outstanding Academic Achievement(2015-2016) |
YUEN KA WAI | 2013-2014 | Associate of Arts (Creative Communication), HKBU | Dean's List (2015-2016 2nd Semester) |
LEE HO CHUN | 2013-2014 | Associate of Arts (Visual Arts), HKBU | Dean's List (2015-2016 2nd Semester) |
FONG YI LEONG | 2013-2014 | 機械工程學高級文憑課程,IVE(柴灣) | 香港特別行政區政府獎學金(2015-2016) |
Cheung Hon Ting | 2013-2014 | School of Business and Management, HKUST | Virtue Scholarship(2015-2016) |
Chan Wa San | 2013-2014 | Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Morrison Hill) | Reaching Out Award(2015-2016) |
Lau Yun Ho | 2013-2014 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Prof. Herbert H. Tsang Scholarship (1st Semester 2015-2016)
President's Honour Roll, Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes)(1st and 2nd Semester 2014-2015) SPSS Outstanding Performance Scholarship |
Wong Shuk Man | 2012-2013 | Hong Kong Baptist University | President's Honour Roll, Associate of Arts (Tourism and Hospitality Management)(2nd Semester 2014-2015)
Dean's List, Associate of Arts (Tourism and Hospitality Management)(1st Semester 2014-2015) |
Mak Hoi Yee | 2012-2013 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean List, Associate of Science (Psychology)(1st and 2nd Semester 2014-2015) |
Yuen Ka Wai | 2013-2014 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List, Associate of Arts (Creative Communication)(1st Semester 2014-2015)
SPSS Reaching Out Award |
Yu Ho Yung | 2012-2013 | The Hong Kong University of Science Technology | Dean of Engineering Scholarship(2014)Photo of Ceremony |
CHAU Yuet Ming | 2011-2012 | Associate Degree Programme at College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University | President's Honour Roll (Semester 2, 2013-2014) |
WONG Shuk Man | 2012-2013 | Associate Degree Programme at College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List (Semester 2, 2013-2014) |
Wong Yan Yee | 2011-2012 | School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of HongKong | Outstanding Academic Achievement |
Lau Kai Ho | 2012-2013 | The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | Dean of Engineering Scholarship(2013)Photo of Ceremony |
葉曉汶 | 2012-2013 | 暨南大學 | 暨南大學旭日獎學金(2013) 頒授儀式相片 |
Kan Man San | 2009-2010 | Hong Kong Baptist University | First Class Honours
Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2012-2013) President's Honour Roll (Semester 1, 2011-2012) Dean's List(Semester 2, 2011-2012) Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2010-2011) |
Au-Yeung Kwok Pun | 2009-2010 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List(Semester 1, 2012-2013)
Dean's List(Semester 2, 2011-2012) Dean's List(Semester 2, 2010-2011) |
Ho Siu chung | 2007-2008 | The Hong Kong Institute of Education | Hong Kong Language Campaign Scholarship for English(2012-13)
Li & Fung Scholarship(2010-11) |
Fok Po Chi | 2008-2009 | Lingnan Institute of Further Education | Honour Roll (Term 1, 2012-2013) |
Chan Hoi Lam | 2008-2009 | The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | Dean's List Award of the School of Engineering (2011-2012) |
何妍樺 | 2011-2012 | 香港大學附屬學院 | 香港大學附屬學院獎學金 |
Yu Hang Chun | 2008-2009 | The University of Hong Kong | HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships |
Ng Chung Chuen | 2009-2010 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List( Semester 1, 2011-2012) |
Lam Wing Pui | 2007-2008 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List( Semester 1, 2011-2012)
Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2009-2010) Dean's list(Semester 2, 2008-2009)
Chan Nga Man | 2009-2010 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List(Semester 2, 2011-2012)
Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2010-2011) |
Lai Chui Shuen | 2007-2008 | The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | Dean's list of the School of Engineering (2010-2011) |
Wu Hei Yin | 2010-2011 | Hong Kong Baptist University College of International Education | Dean's List(1st Semester 2011-2012) |
Yeung Sze man | 2009-2010 | Hong Kong Baptist University College of International Education | Dean's List(1st Semester 2011-2012) Dean's List(1st Semester 2010-2011) |
Pun Ching Yiu | 2007-2008 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List( Semester 1 and 2, 2010-2011) Dean's List(Semester 1 and 2, 2009-2010) Dean's List(Semester 2, 2008-2009) |
Lee Wai Yu | 2007-2008 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's List( Semester 1, 2010-2011) Dean's List(Semester 2, 2009-2010) Dean's List(Semester 2, 2008-2009) |
Choi Sin Man | 2006-2007 | Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's List( Semester 1, 2010-2011) |
Ho Siu chung | 2007-2008 | The Hong Kong Institute of Education | Li & Fung Scholarship(2010-11) |
Li Kwok Shing | 2009-2010 | Hong Kong Baptist University College of International Education | Outstanding Education Stream(1st Semester 2010-2011) |
Leung Ka Ming | 2008-2009 | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong X'tals Scholarship(2010) |
Lam Tsz Kit | 2006-2007 | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Dean's List(2010) |
Wong Chun Ling | 2006-2007 | Hong Kong Baptist University | Dean's list(Semester 2, 2009-2010) |
Wong Hei Lam Helen
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Part Time Stream)
Department of English Performance Scholarship for BA (Hons) in English for Business and Professional Communication (Semester 1, 2009/2010)
Luk Ka Ki
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's List ( First Semester, 2009-2010) Dean's List (Second Semester, 2008-2009) Outstanding Academic Results (Summer Semester, 2007-2008) Outstanding Academic Results (1st Semester, 2007-2008) |
Lau Yun Kwan
Hong Kong Baptist University
College of International Education |
Dean's List ( First Semester, 2009-2010)
Luk Wing Yan
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 1, 2008-2009) Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2007-2008) Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2006-2007) |
Fung Chui Ting
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2008-2009) Dean's list(Semester 2, 2007-2008) Dean's List(Semester 2, 2006-2007) |
Cheung Wai Wai
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's List (Semester 1, 2008-2009)
Chan Kin Pong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme
Ng Ka Lok
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Dean's List Award |
Chow Ki Kam
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Dean's List Award
School of Engineering (2006 Spring, 2007 Spring) |
Wong Yin
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 2, 2007-2008)
Fung HonFai |
2004-2005 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Chan Hon Yin Scholarship China Oxford Scholarship - The Hoare Family Award Friends of HKU Scholoarships Dean's Honours List (2005-2006) |
Tse Wing Wa
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Leadtops Scholarship
Kwok Siu Tak
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 2, 2006-2007) Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006) |
Mok Lai Ping
HKU SPACE Community College
HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship
(2006-2007) |
Cheung Kai Hei
CUHK-TWGHs Community College
卓越成績獎學金 |
Leung Shun Hang
Hong Kong Baptist University
College of International Education |
Dean's List(2nd Semester 2006-2007) President's Honour Roll (1st Semester 2006-2007) |
Tse Kai San |
2002-2003 |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
Dean's list of the School of Science (2005-2006)
Dean's list of the School of Science (2004-2005)
Dean's list of the School of Science (2003-2004) |
Li Yuen Ching
2003-2004 |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Dean's list of the School of Science (2005-2006) |
Hung Kai Ying
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006)
Chow Wing Cheong |
2002-2003 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
First Class Honours Dean's list(Semester 1 2004-2005) Dean's list(2003-2004) |
Ching Lai Yan |
2002-2003 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's list(Semester 1 and 2, 2005-2006) Dean's list(Semester 1, 2003-2004) |
2005-06全港青少年科技設計比賽 |
Chan Chi Man |
2002-2003 |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Serena Yang Overseas Training Scholarship (2005-2006) |
Li Oi Yee |
2001-2002 |
The University of Hong Kong |
First Class Honours |
Lin Lai Yee |
2001-2002 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Second Class Honours (Division One) Dean's Honours List LLB (2003-2004) |
Yiu Man Fong |
2001-2002 |
The University of Hong Kong |
First Class Honours Dean's Honours List BSc (2003-2004) |
Ng Tak Wai |
2001-2002 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's list(Semester 1 2004-2005) |
Li Na |
1999-2000 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
First Class Honours President's Honour Roll(2002-2003) Dean's list, Faculty of Arts(2000-2001) |
Lam Kwan Ngok |
2002-2003 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's list(Semester 2 2004-2005) |
Ng Hong Kin |
2003-2004 |
The Community College at Lingnan University |
Honours Roll of the College |
Leung Wai Lun |
1999-2000 |
The University of Hong Kong |
First Class Honours(2003-2004) Dean's Honours List (Faculty of Engineering)(2000-2001) |
Cheuk Sau Han |
2000-2001 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's list(Semester 2,2003-2004) |
Szeto Chun Kit |
2000-2001 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's list(2003-2004)
Dean's list Faculty of Science(2001-2002) |
Ho Pui Man |
2000-2001 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's list(2003-2004)
Dean's list(2002-2003)
School of Business(2001-2002) |
Shiu Sze Ngan |
2002-2003 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's List(2nd Semester 2003-2004) |
Lam Yan Ning |
2000-2001 |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Wing Hang Bank Scholarship 2003-2004) |
Kwok Hon Ho |
1999-2000 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Dean's Honours List BEcon&Fin (2002-2003) Dean's Honours List BEcon&Fin (2002-2003) |
Mok Chi Mui |
2000-2001 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Dean's Honours List BEng(BES)(2002-2003) Dean's Honours List |
Hsu Yuk Kwan |
1998-1999 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Ellis Bell Prize in Eng. Lit. & Comp. Lit. (2002-2003)
Dean's Honours List
Faculty of Arts(1999-2000) |
Tang Sau Yu |
1998-1999 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Class of 75' LLB Scholarship(2002-2003) |
Chan Yeuk Chi, Joyce |
1998-1999 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
B.Eng. (First Class Honours) Dean's List of Faculty of Engineering(2002-2003)
Faculty of Engineering(2000-2001)
Faculty of Engineering(1999-2000) |
Lam Shuk Ching |
1999-2000 |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
Dean's list of the School of Science (2002-2003)
School of Science(2001-2002) |
Lee Tung Shing |
1999-2000 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Dean's List (2002-2003)
School of Business(2001-2002) |
Chow Chi Sang |
1999-2000 |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Ryoden Scholarship 2002/2003 |
Lam Ching Man |
1999-2000 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Faculty of Social Science(2001-2002) |
Li Shing Cheung |
1998-1999 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
School of Business(2001-2002)
School of Business(1999-2000) |
Yip Pui Ling Pauline |
1998-1999 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
School of Business(2001-2002) |
Leung Mei Ying |
1998-1999 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Faculty of Arts(2001-2002) |
Li Mo Kit Monica |
1998-1999 |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
School of Business(2001-2002)
School of Business(1999-2000) |
Chan Ying Mei |
1999-2000 |
Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship |
Mak Pui Shan Ida |
1996-1997 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Faculty of Science(1999-2000) |
Szeto Ka Yee |
1996-1997 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Faculty of Science(1999-2000) |
Li Wai Tong |
1997-1998 |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
School of Science(1998-1999) |
Mak Pui Shan Ida |
1996-1997 |
The University of Hong Kong |
Faculty of Science(1997-1998) |
Ng Mei Fung |
1994-1995 |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
School of Business and Management (1997-1998) |
Tang Chin To |
1994-1995 |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
School of Engineering (1996-1997) |